Poster sessions
Session 1 - Tuesday 13:30-15:00
Clinical Trials & Routine Practices | |||
S1P1 | The level of circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells as an index to predict the therapeutic effect of BNCT in glioblastoma (GBM) patients | Fang-hsin | Chen |
General Aspects | |||
S1P2 | Discrimination of gamma/neutron dose components by direct use of the ion collection efficiency curve. | Michał | Kuć |
S1P3 | Radiation safety survey and assessment of the Xiamen Humanity Hospital-Neuboron BNCT Center | Caifeng | Meng |
Chemistry of NCT carriers | |||
S1P4 | Antibody boron conjugate with a payload comprised of carborane-modified poly-L-lysine is capable of delivering boron to EGFR-expressing tumor cells | Michael | Torgov |
S1P5 | Cobaltabis(dicarbollide) (COSAN) loaded APOFERRITIN: An innovative high-capacity boron delivery system to target tumour cells for BNCT applications. | Diego | Alberti |
S1P6 | Develop Boron-Containing Drugs and Boron Cluster in Organic Synthesis | Ming-hua | Hsu |
S1P7 | Evaluation of the distribution of BPA in a rat brain tumor model using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) in comparison with liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) | Sachie | Kusaka |
S1P8 | Development of novel small molecule boron carriers targeting the amino acid transporter ASCT2 | Kazuki | Miura |
S1P9 | Boron Nitride Quantum Dots as multifunctional nanomaterials for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy | Maria Paola | Demichelis |
S1P10 | Development of novel [18F] FBPA synthesis method using automatic synthesizer and quality control methods. | Yasukazu | Kanai |
S1P11 | Development of novel small molecule boron carriers targeting biotin receptors for BNCT | Kai | Nishimura |
S1P12 | Development of boron drug for BNCT targeting glucose transporter | Makoto | Shirakawa |
S1P13 | In vivo Efficacy and Dose Dependent Response of [10B]BPA Irradiation Therapy in SAS Tumor Bearing Athymic Nude Mice | Valerie | Carroll |
S1P14 | HES-boron cluster conjugate as a potential boron delivery carrier in boron neutron capture therapy | Agnieszka | Szczygieł |
S1P15 | Development of theranostic compounds with boron and gadolinium for combination neutron capture therapy with nuclear medicine imaging | Kazuma | Ogawa |
S1P16 | BPA uptake and biological response to neutron irradiation of paediatric tumor cells | María Isabel | Porras Quesada |
S1P17 | Chemical cancerization and BNCT effects on saliva production in an experimental in vivo oral cancer model | Verónica | Trivillin |
S1P18 | First reported immunohistochemical studies and q-PCR expression of LAT-1 transporter in the hamster cheek pouch oral cancer model | Karen | Morrison |
S1P19 | Evaluation of a bimodal compound derived from lapatinib for the treatment of undifferentiated thyroid cancer (UTC). | Maria | Dagrosa |
S1P20 | Functionalized boron nitride nanoparticles as boron carriers in boron neutron capture therapy | Jagoda | Mierzejewska |
S1P21 | In-Air Radiobiological Characterization of Neutron Beams of In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator-1 for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy | Zizhu | Zhang |
S1P22 | Non-targeted effects of BNCT: bystander and abscopal effects. An in vitro study. | Cristina | Méndez Malagón |
S1P23 | Role of transmembrane channel-like 5 (TMC5) in boron neutron capture therapy | Yucai | Wei |
S1P24 | Sequential Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) in a model of diffuse lung metastases in BDIX rats. | Verónica A. | Trivillin |
S1P25 | Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) mediated by boric acid + GB-10: biodistribution and BNCT studies in an experimental oral cancer model | Marcela A. | Garabalino |
S1P26 | Verification of the efficacy of a novel boron drug using a phenylboronic acid-containing supramolecule. | Yoshitaka | Matsumoto |
S1P27 | Study of the Boron-10 microdistribution in bone employing the neutron autoradiography technique | Agustina Mariana | Portu |
S1P28 | Boron neutron capture therapy using direct intratumoral administration of a folate receptor targeting novel boron carrier | Kohei | Tsujino |
S1P29 | Bioinformatic analysis of possible new boron carriers for the application of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) to the anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) | Susana Isabel | Nievas |
S1P30 | cRGD:MID:BSA for the treatment of head and neck tumors: preliminary biodistribution and microdistribution studies in the hamster cheek pouch oral cancer model | Andrea | Monti Hughes |
Session 2 - Thursday 12:00-13:30
Engineering and Physics | |||
S2P1 | Design of a compact accelerator-driven neutron source with 2 epithermal neutron ports for boron neutron capture therapy | Ha | Shuai |
S2P2 | Development of A Measurement Method for Neutron Spectrum in Epi-thermal Energy Range by Combining Activation Foils and Position-sensitive Proportional Counter -Numerical Study- | Yu | Fujiwara |
S2P3 | The epithermal neutron flux detectors developed for BNCT | Xingcai | Guan |
S2P4 | Energy estimating track detector for precise neutron dose measurement of whole-body exposure during BNCT | Takuya | Hashizume |
S2P5 | A multi-beam approach towards a high yield neutron source: enabling advances in non-clinical Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) research. | Eugene Yao | Guan |
S2P6 | 2D spatial distributions and uniformity of the H2 neutron beam at different distances from the lid | Michał | Kuć |
S2P7 | A feasibility study on a small electron linear accelerator-based beam shaping assembly for boron neutron capture therapy | Fujio | Hiraga |
S2P8 | Design study on the angle and energy differential neutron spectrum for accelerator based BNCT | Shingo | Tamaki |
S2P9 | Beam emittance measurement of low energy H− ion beam via solenoid scan method on the injector of AB-BNCT | Chawon | Park |
S2P10 | Development of a compact Beam shaping assembly for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy treatment of Pontine Glioma. | Eugene Yao | Guan |
S2P11 | Considerations of Surface Guided Boron Neutron Capture Therapy: Combining A More Flexible Patient Position Method with NeuMANTA | Jiang | Chen |
S2P12 | The co-research project with CNEA for an in-air electrostatic accelerator based BNCT in KIRAMS | Inki | Lee |
S2P13 | Developing a high current/low energy tandem accelerator for AB-BNCT in KIRAMS | Bonghwan | Hong |
S2P14 | Design of Beam Shape Assembly for 2.4 MeV electrostatic tandem accelerator based neutron source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy : Monte carlo study | Minho | Kim |
S2P15 | Topology optimization of high-performance AB-BNCT moderators | Sebastien | Chabod |
S2P16 | Characterization of the neutron flux during irradiation of biological samples towards BNCT research in the MARIA Research Reactor using hydraulic rabbit system. | Michał | Dorosz |
S2P17 | Predictive analytics for sustainable supply chain management | Murugeshwari | Aadiappan |
S2P18 | Optical monitoring of position and size of direct current particle beams | Chad | Lee |
S2P19 | Study of the out-of-field dose from an accelerator-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy | Antonia | Verdera |
S2P20 | Evaluation of thermal neutron flux and gamma-ray dose rate inside PMMA phantom | Nishiki | Matsubayashi |
Medical Physics | |||
S2P21 | Development of a microdosimetry-based assessment method with the boron distribution for the evaluation of biological effectiveness in BNCT irradiation field | Ryusuke | Yamazaki |
S2P22 | A study on dose-component discrimination estimation methods using micellar gel dosimeters for quality assurance in boron neutron capture therapy | Yoshinori | Sakurai |
S2P23 | Feasibility of high-definition 3D Dosimetry and Quality Assurance for Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy Clinics | Edyta | Michaś-Majewska |
S2P24 | Microdosimetric computational study of the effect of neutron source distributions and cell geometry modeling on HER2+ breast cancer in BNCT | Mario | Gadan |
S2P25 | Study of ionization chamber orientation in photon and neutron beams | Emmi | Kirjanen |
S2P26 | Development of a Monte Carlo Simulation Framework for Advancing Dynamic PET Resolution in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy | Yu-fen | Chang |
S2P27 | Feasibility study of the application of boron neutron capture therapy to Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma | Víctor | Bernabeu Rodríguez |
S2P28 | Comparing the measured and simulated depth dose data in irradiation study with paraffin wax bolus in BNCT | Jenna | Tarvonen |
S2P29 | Boron Neutron Capture Enhancement Study for Radiotherapy with Fast Fission Neutrons | Lucas | Sommer |
S2P30 | Preliminary study for 3D dose distribution evaluation in neutron capture therapy using a PVA-GTA-I radiochromic gel dosimeter | Shin-ichiro | Hayashi |
S2P31 | Development of a compact neutron spectrometer for BNCT based on multi-element activation analysis | Ettore Marcello | Mafucci |
S2P32 | Potential of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for myxofibrosarcoma | Takuya | Fujimoto |
S2P33 | Use of semiconductor-based thermal neutron detectors for quality assurance in NCT facilities | Miguel Angel | Caballero Pacheco |
S2P34 | Comparison of dose distribution with and without reflecting heterogeneous boron drug distribution using 18F-BPA positron emission tomography in boron neutron capture therapy | Yuta | Kobayashi |
S2P35 | Implementation of OSLD for quality control of gamma ray dose measurement of an accelerator-based neutron source | Naonori | Hu |
S2P36 | Development of an attenuation correction probability model of list-mode MLEM for multi-angle Compton camera | Changran | Geng |
S2P37 | Evaluation of the expected annual therapist dose at a high-throughput BNCT Center | Warren | Kilby |
S2P38 | Relative biological effectiveness in an accelerator-based BNCT system coupled to a solid-state lithium target: two different approaches for neutron beams | Yasunori | Shuto |