Poster presentations

Poster sessions

Session 1 - Tuesday 13:30-15:00

  Clinical Trials & Routine Practices    
S1P1 The level of circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells as an index to predict the therapeutic effect of BNCT in glioblastoma (GBM) patients Fang-hsin Chen
  General Aspects    
S1P2 Discrimination of gamma/neutron dose components by direct use of the ion collection efficiency curve. Michał Kuć
S1P3 Radiation safety survey and assessment of the Xiamen Humanity Hospital-Neuboron BNCT Center Caifeng Meng
  Chemistry of NCT carriers    
S1P4 Antibody boron conjugate with a payload comprised of carborane-modified poly-L-lysine is capable of delivering boron to EGFR-expressing tumor cells Michael Torgov
S1P5 Cobaltabis(dicarbollide) (COSAN) loaded APOFERRITIN: An innovative high-capacity boron delivery system to target tumour cells for BNCT applications. Diego Alberti
S1P6 Develop Boron-Containing Drugs and Boron Cluster in Organic Synthesis Ming-hua Hsu
S1P7 Evaluation of the distribution of BPA in a rat brain tumor model using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) in comparison with liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) Sachie Kusaka
S1P8 Development of novel small molecule boron carriers targeting the amino acid transporter ASCT2 Kazuki Miura
S1P9 Boron Nitride Quantum Dots as multifunctional nanomaterials for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Maria Paola Demichelis
S1P10 Development of novel [18F] FBPA synthesis method using automatic synthesizer and quality control methods. Yasukazu Kanai
S1P11 Development of novel small molecule boron carriers targeting biotin receptors for BNCT Kai Nishimura
S1P12 Development of boron drug for BNCT targeting glucose transporter Makoto Shirakawa
S1P13 In vivo Efficacy and Dose Dependent Response of [10B]BPA Irradiation Therapy in SAS Tumor Bearing Athymic Nude Mice Valerie Carroll
S1P14 HES-boron cluster conjugate as a potential boron delivery carrier in boron neutron capture therapy Agnieszka Szczygieł
S1P15 Development of theranostic compounds with boron and gadolinium for combination neutron capture therapy with nuclear medicine imaging Kazuma Ogawa
S1P16 BPA uptake and biological response to neutron irradiation of paediatric tumor cells María Isabel Porras Quesada
S1P17 Chemical cancerization and BNCT effects on saliva production in an experimental in vivo oral cancer model Verónica Trivillin
S1P18 First reported immunohistochemical studies and q-PCR expression of LAT-1 transporter in the hamster cheek pouch oral cancer model Karen Morrison
S1P19 Evaluation of a bimodal compound derived from lapatinib for the treatment of undifferentiated thyroid cancer  (UTC). Maria Dagrosa
S1P20 Functionalized boron nitride nanoparticles as boron carriers in boron neutron capture therapy Jagoda Mierzejewska
S1P21 In-Air Radiobiological Characterization of Neutron Beams of In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator-1 for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Zizhu Zhang
S1P22 Non-targeted effects of BNCT: bystander and abscopal effects. An in vitro study. Cristina Méndez Malagón
S1P23 Role of transmembrane channel-like 5 (TMC5) in boron neutron capture therapy Yucai Wei
S1P24 Sequential Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) in a model of diffuse lung metastases in BDIX rats. Verónica A. Trivillin
S1P25 Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) mediated by boric acid + GB-10: biodistribution and BNCT studies in an experimental oral cancer model Marcela A. Garabalino
S1P26 Verification of the efficacy of a novel boron drug using a phenylboronic acid-containing supramolecule. Yoshitaka Matsumoto
S1P27 Study of the Boron-10 microdistribution in bone employing the neutron autoradiography technique Agustina Mariana Portu
S1P28 Boron neutron capture therapy using direct intratumoral administration of a folate receptor targeting novel boron carrier Kohei Tsujino
S1P29 Bioinformatic analysis of possible new boron carriers for the application of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) to the anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) Susana Isabel Nievas
S1P30 cRGD:MID:BSA for the treatment of head and neck tumors: preliminary biodistribution and microdistribution studies in the hamster cheek pouch oral cancer model Andrea Monti Hughes



Session 2 - Thursday 12:00-13:30

  Engineering and Physics    
S2P1 Design of a compact accelerator-driven neutron source with 2 epithermal neutron ports for boron neutron capture therapy Ha Shuai
S2P2 Development of A Measurement Method for Neutron Spectrum in Epi-thermal Energy Range by Combining Activation Foils and Position-sensitive Proportional Counter -Numerical Study- Yu Fujiwara
S2P3 The epithermal neutron flux detectors developed for BNCT Xingcai Guan
S2P4 Energy estimating track detector for precise neutron dose measurement of whole-body exposure during BNCT Takuya Hashizume
S2P5 A multi-beam approach towards a high yield neutron source: enabling advances in non-clinical Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) research. Eugene Yao Guan
S2P6 2D spatial distributions and uniformity of the H2 neutron beam at different distances from the lid Michał Kuć
S2P7 A feasibility study on a small electron linear accelerator-based beam shaping assembly for boron neutron capture therapy Fujio Hiraga
S2P8 Design study on the angle and energy differential neutron spectrum for accelerator based BNCT Shingo Tamaki
S2P9 Beam emittance measurement of low energy H− ion beam via solenoid scan method on the injector of AB-BNCT Chawon Park
S2P10 Development of a compact Beam shaping assembly for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy treatment of Pontine Glioma. Eugene Yao Guan
S2P11 Considerations of Surface Guided Boron Neutron Capture Therapy: Combining A More Flexible Patient Position Method with NeuMANTA Jiang Chen
S2P12 The co-research project with CNEA for an in-air electrostatic accelerator based BNCT in KIRAMS Inki Lee
S2P13 Developing a high current/low energy tandem accelerator for AB-BNCT in KIRAMS Bonghwan Hong
S2P14 Design of Beam Shape Assembly for 2.4 MeV electrostatic tandem accelerator based neutron source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy : Monte carlo study Minho Kim
S2P15 Topology optimization of high-performance AB-BNCT moderators Sebastien Chabod
S2P16 Characterization of the neutron flux during irradiation of biological samples towards BNCT research in the MARIA Research Reactor using hydraulic rabbit system. Michał Dorosz
S2P17 Predictive analytics for sustainable supply chain management Murugeshwari Aadiappan
S2P18 Optical monitoring of position and size of direct current particle beams Chad Lee
S2P19 Study of the out-of-field dose from an accelerator-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy Antonia Verdera
S2P20 Evaluation of thermal neutron flux and gamma-ray dose rate inside PMMA phantom Nishiki Matsubayashi
  Medical Physics    
S2P21 Development of a microdosimetry-based assessment method with the boron distribution for the evaluation of biological effectiveness in BNCT irradiation field Ryusuke Yamazaki
S2P22 A study on dose-component discrimination estimation methods using micellar gel dosimeters for quality assurance in boron neutron capture therapy Yoshinori Sakurai
S2P23 Feasibility of high-definition 3D Dosimetry and Quality Assurance  for Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy Clinics Edyta Michaś-Majewska
S2P24 Microdosimetric computational study of the effect of neutron source distributions and cell geometry modeling on HER2+ breast cancer in BNCT Mario Gadan
S2P25 Study of ionization chamber orientation in photon and neutron beams Emmi Kirjanen
S2P26 Development of a Monte Carlo Simulation Framework for Advancing Dynamic PET Resolution in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Yu-fen Chang
S2P27 Feasibility study of the application of boron neutron capture therapy to Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Víctor Bernabeu Rodríguez
S2P28 Comparing the measured and simulated depth dose data in irradiation study with paraffin wax bolus in BNCT Jenna Tarvonen
S2P29 Boron Neutron Capture Enhancement Study for Radiotherapy with Fast Fission Neutrons Lucas Sommer
S2P30 Preliminary study for 3D dose distribution evaluation in neutron capture therapy using a PVA-GTA-I radiochromic gel dosimeter Shin-ichiro Hayashi
S2P31 Development of a compact neutron spectrometer for BNCT based on multi-element activation analysis Ettore Marcello Mafucci
S2P32 Potential of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for myxofibrosarcoma Takuya Fujimoto
S2P33 Use of semiconductor-based thermal neutron detectors for quality assurance in NCT facilities Miguel Angel Caballero Pacheco
S2P34 Comparison of dose distribution with and without reflecting heterogeneous boron drug distribution using 18F-BPA positron emission tomography in boron neutron capture therapy Yuta Kobayashi
S2P35 Implementation of OSLD for quality control of gamma ray dose measurement of an accelerator-based neutron source Naonori Hu
S2P36 Development of an attenuation correction probability model of list-mode MLEM for multi-angle Compton camera Changran Geng
S2P37 Evaluation of the expected annual therapist dose at a high-throughput BNCT Center Warren Kilby
S2P38 Relative biological effectiveness in an accelerator-based BNCT system coupled to a solid-state lithium target: two different approaches for neutron beams Yasunori Shuto